Mix Telematics

Adverse Conditions: Is Your Fleet Ready?

Studies have shown that 21% of all motor vehicle crashes in the U.S. are weather-related. And while we can’t control the weather, we can control fleet preparedness. Recent research has proven that the number and strength of extreme weather events in the US – from blizzards to floods – have increased over the last fifty years. With that fact in mind, all companies need to take special note of any extreme weather conditions, and take steps to mitigate the risks that come along with them.

Brought to you by:


Jonathan Bates

Director, MiX Telematics

Jonathan has worked passionately in the fleet industry for 15 years, eight years at a leading commercial vehicle OEM and seven years at MiX Telematics. His experience spans product management and market strategy, focused on road-related safety and best practices.



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